The FTD® In Love with Red Roses™ Bouquet with Heart Pendant is the perfect way to capture their attention this Valentine''s Day. Nothing says love like a bouquet of beautiful red roses accented with fresh decorative greens. Gorgeously arranged in a designer red glass vase and accompanied by a stunning sterling silver heart-shaped pendant with a genuine white topaz accent, this fresh flower bouquet is sure to make that perfect impression this February 14th with its message of romance and passionate affection. Pendant measures 5/8" including bale. 18-inch sterling silver box chain with spring ring closure. Includes a single 1/2 ct. round cut genuine white topaz. Imported.
GOOD bouquet and pendant - 12 stems with red vase.
Approximately 20"H x 15"W.
BETTER bouquet and pendant - 18 stems with red vase.
Approximately 21"H x 17"W.
BEST bouquet and pendant - 24 stems with red vase.
Approximately 22"H x 18"W.